Saturday 31 August 2013

Colourful Watercolour Portraits!

Word of mouth of recommendation brought me new clients every now and then. 
In 2011, a mother of 3, wanted her kids portraits painted in colour on paper. Watercolour is a challenge for beginners but it was fun exploring with new mediums as well as making mistakes.
Al-Mutahar Kid1
Watercolour on Watercolour paper
420mm x 297mm

Al-Mutahar Kid2
Watercolour on Watercolour paper
420mm x 297mm
Al-Mutahar Kid3
Watercolour on Watercolour paper
420mm x 297mm

These are my first few watercolour portraits. I believe it takes more than just practice in watercolour. There are many different aspects to look at when using this particular medium in artworks such as the above. It takes a lot of understanding in light, pigments, colours, shadows and reasonings to the techniques applied.

Portraits are already difficult. Watercolour adds on the challenge to it. Therefore combining it would be a good practice in order to improve my watercolour skills. Advice from lecturers and tips from other artists also helped me in many ways of understanding the usage of watercolour.

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Faces in Black & White.

I started my interest in portrait drawings for more than a decade already. It used to be so tough back in Woodlands Ring Secondary School as they did not teach the fundamentals of drawing that much as it was kind of an open topic art class throughout the 4 years. Art was a subject not encouraged to score at that point of time as academics were more prioritised.

Throughout the years of experimenting pencil and colour pencil drawings, I discovered my strength in portrait drawings. The satisfaction of completing a portrait drawing was so fulfilling that i started my own portrait drawing "business". More of my own freelance. Doing something out of interest could sure benefit in some ways you couldn't imagine sometimes. Recommendation from word of mouth has expanded my list of contacts and enlarged my pocket(not that much though but it's still money).

Most of the portraits were ordered either for their bosses, for weddings, for couples and some for their family members. These are some of the drawings that i managed to take a picture of it before delivering them to my clients.






Having to work with human facial features are are very intricate but interesting. Using Chuck Close as an inspiration to work harder towards achieving realism in portraits would increase my skills and motivation. Other orders were mostly oil paintings or watercolour potraits. I'll be posting it soon..
Thanks for reading!

- Kiki.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Photography 2013

A DSLR was given to me on my 24th birthday this year by my elder sister. Basics has been taught to me by her since young but not in depth in photography knowledge and skills. So with this camera presented to me, I used this as an advantage for my photography elective though it was not one of my first choices.

At first I thought it was kind of boring but thinking on the positive side, this is sure to benefit me in my daily life and would broaden my knowledge.

As I attended more photography lessons conducted by Mr Sheldon Tay, I started to acquire more interest in the subject. The importance of knowing the machanisms of a self-built camera in the olden days and how it projects images from a simple pinhole box to a digital camera built through advanced technology of science periodically just amazes me.

Personally, I feel that my skills in composition of photos and technical skills have improved, not drastically but slowly through assignments given by the lecturer. These are the few best photos taken for my first photography project. "The journey from home to school" was the topic but mine looks kind of like the smallest to the biggest details of the journey from home to school.

This experience has brought me closer to the things that existed around me on my way to school. Things around can be more interesting if you pay close attention to it. Playing with composition allows me to show people how things are preceived through my point of view.

Thanks for reading! :)

- Kiki

Thursday 1 August 2013

Pameran Poskad 2012

My boss from my previous job at Studio Haroobee recommended me to join this 'Pameran Postcard' (Postcard Exhibition in Malay) in 2012. Trying was not a bad idea to start off after a long duration of Missing-in-Action from the 'Art scene'.
Pameran Poskad's official leaflet. More than 400 artist were featured in 'Pameran Poskad' exhibition.

Basically it was an open category exhibition whereby artists from around the world could not only showcase their works but at the same time could profit from a buyer who values the masterpieces of an artist.
There were at least 400 artists who took part in this mini exhibition. Each artist was given the opportunity to fill in their creativity in 10 pocket-sized plastic sheets where prices could be fixed at their own desired quotation that would be fully rewarded back to the artists themselves.

One of my 'Pepper' postcards in the making.

My series of postcards were actually dedicated to my late black cat named Pepper. She used to be my best friend despite the fact that she could not give me words of advice nor could she even talk to me, she was the most loyal companion man/woman could ever had. A 13-year relationship built was a back-breaker when you know it is totally gone out of reach. Deteriotaion of her kidney brought her closer to her extinction even after various attempts in rescuing Pepper. 

Pepper. R.I.P. 1999 - 2012

Therefore indulging myself in pieces that I could relate to could inspire me to do more creatively with the help of experince and research. These are the postcard-sized artworks exhibited then. 

1. Pepper.
2. Pepper tucked in.
3. Pepper seeking attention.
4. Pepper weight loss.

5. Pepper prevented from running away.
6. Pepper hiding in the dark.

7. Pepper curling in pain.
8. Pepper last day of suffering.

9. Pepper's cross-over.
10. Pepper's burial.
Thanks for reading! :)

- Kiki.