Thursday 1 August 2013

Pameran Poskad 2012

My boss from my previous job at Studio Haroobee recommended me to join this 'Pameran Postcard' (Postcard Exhibition in Malay) in 2012. Trying was not a bad idea to start off after a long duration of Missing-in-Action from the 'Art scene'.
Pameran Poskad's official leaflet. More than 400 artist were featured in 'Pameran Poskad' exhibition.

Basically it was an open category exhibition whereby artists from around the world could not only showcase their works but at the same time could profit from a buyer who values the masterpieces of an artist.
There were at least 400 artists who took part in this mini exhibition. Each artist was given the opportunity to fill in their creativity in 10 pocket-sized plastic sheets where prices could be fixed at their own desired quotation that would be fully rewarded back to the artists themselves.

One of my 'Pepper' postcards in the making.

My series of postcards were actually dedicated to my late black cat named Pepper. She used to be my best friend despite the fact that she could not give me words of advice nor could she even talk to me, she was the most loyal companion man/woman could ever had. A 13-year relationship built was a back-breaker when you know it is totally gone out of reach. Deteriotaion of her kidney brought her closer to her extinction even after various attempts in rescuing Pepper. 

Pepper. R.I.P. 1999 - 2012

Therefore indulging myself in pieces that I could relate to could inspire me to do more creatively with the help of experince and research. These are the postcard-sized artworks exhibited then. 

1. Pepper.
2. Pepper tucked in.
3. Pepper seeking attention.
4. Pepper weight loss.

5. Pepper prevented from running away.
6. Pepper hiding in the dark.

7. Pepper curling in pain.
8. Pepper last day of suffering.

9. Pepper's cross-over.
10. Pepper's burial.
Thanks for reading! :)

- Kiki.

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